Lavender Rose Arrangement


Lavender Rose Arrangement

from $100.00

1 Dozen Roses in a clear vase, white vase currently unavailable.

*The type rose & greens used may vary depending on availability, however we will strive to maintain the colors and overall character of the arrangement as shown.

**Container varies from one pictured. A choice will be made by the designer based on what we have in the shop. We always strive to maintain the overall character of the design. If you have any requests, questions or concerns, please call us to order.

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If you like to customize your rose arrangment (i.e., more roses, different color), please call us at (425) 885-3333 to place your order.  

*Same-Day Delivery: Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Sammamish, & Woodinville Orders must be placed by 12pm. 

Bothell, Issaquah, Lynnwood, Newcastle, Renton, & Seattle orders must be placed by 8:30am.

On a case-by-case basis, we are able to accommodate deliveries after the cut-off time. Please call us at (425) 885-3333.

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